

Dr. Delia Lavariega is specialized in dental Rehabilitation using Dental Bridges, Crowns, Veneers, Amalgams, Dental Implants, teeth whitening, Bruxism Patients and full mouth rehabilitation.


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ALDAMA 690     Local #9


From U.S.A. dial  011-52 (899) 925-1557
Nextel: 62*12*6557



Porcelain veneers, or “dental veneers,” can change the appearance of teeth that are chipped, worn, stained, crooked, or generally damaged. A porcelain veneer acts as a thin shell, covering the surface of a tooth. Porcelain veneers are bonded directly to the front of teeth with adhesive cement for an immediate improvement in the shape and color of each tooth.

The color of porcelain veneers can be matched to the color of a patient’s teeth. And because dental veneers are made of porcelain, a glassy composition, they are resistant to staining. Porcelain veneers reflect light in a similar way as tooth enamel, and can be buffed and shaped to look just like natural teeth.



Crown refers to the restoration of teeth using materials that are fabricated by indirect methods which are cemented into place. A crown is used to cap or completely cover a tooth.
Traditionally, the teeth to be crowned are prepared by a dentist and records are given to a dental technician to fabricate the crown or bridge, which can then be inserted at another dental appointment.


A dental bridge, otherwise known as a fixed partial denture, is a prosthesis used to replace missing teeth and is not removable by the patient. A prosthesis that is removable by the patient is called a removable partial denture.
A dental bridge is fabricated by reducing the teeth on either side of the missing tooth or teeth by a preparation pattern determined by the location of the teeth and by the material from which the bridge is fabricated. In other words the abutment teeth are reduced in size to accommodate the material to be used to restore the size and shape of the original teeth in a correct alignment and contact with the opposing teeth. The dimensions of the bridge are defined by Ante's Law: "The root surface area of the abutment teeth has to equal or surpass that of the teeth being replaced with pontics".
The materials used for the bridge include gold, porcelain fused to metal, or in the correct situation porcelain alone. The amount and type of reduction done to the abutment teeth varies slightly with the different materials used. The recipient of such a bridge must be careful to clean well under this prosthesis.

Dental amalgam is the most commonly used dental restorative material used for dental fillings.  Amalgam has been the restorative method of choice for many years due to its low cost, ease of application, strength, durability, and bacteriostatic effects. Factors that have led to recent decline in use are a lingering concern about  aesthetics. The aesthetic issue is because the metallic colour does not blend very well with the natural tooth colour. This is especially a concern when used on front teeth, but it can be addressed using alternative dental materials.

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Begining of Treatment / Comienzo del Tratamiento

Preparation of Root Canals and Post / Preparación de endodoncias y Postes


Cemented Post / Cementación en Postes


Temporary Acrylic Teeth / Dientes Temporales de Acrilico


Adjustment of bite, Color and Shape of Teeth
Ajuste de mordida y corona. Color y forma de los dientes

Final Results in the treated area/ Resultado final en la area tratada

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Estimated time of treatment from beginig to end, 3 weeks
3 Semanas tiempo estimado del tratamiento de principio a fin.


La rehabilitación oral o Bucal es una especialidad dentro de la odontologíaque combina en forma integral las áreas de prótesis fija, prótesis removible, operatoria, oclusión e implantología, que realiza el diagnóstico y plan de tratamiento adecuado al paciente de alta complejidad que requiere recuperar su salud bucal a través de las técnicas más modernas de rehabilitación. A su vez, establece estrecha relación con las demás disciplinas de la odontología, como periodoncia, endodoncia y ortodoncia.

Tipos de Protesis Dentales
Las protesis dentales reeplazan los tejidos naturales perdidos por diversas causas: ( traumas, caries enfermedad periodontal, etc). Segun su colocación y fijación en la boca estas se pueden clasificar en:

* Protesis Fijas
* Protesis Removibles
* Protesis Totales.

Protesis Fijas: Estas como su nombre lo indica se sujetan a los dientes restantes en la boca o a implantes, se desgastan los dientes en su corona para recibir una corona protesica que puede ir en diferentes materiales ( Solo metal, metal porcelana, todo porcelana, acrilico y otros).

Protesis Removibles: Este tipo de protesis se pueden quitar de la boca, según el caso tienen una base  o estructura (metalica o acrilica)en la cual se acondicionan unos ganchos o aditamentos que sostienen la protesis de los dientes, los dientes pueden ser elaborados en porcelana o en acrilico.

Protesis Totales: Esta se utilizan cuando no existen dientes en los maxilares, Son elaboradas en acrilico de termo curado, Es Importante Primero acondicionar los tejidos que reciben estas protesis para que tengan mejor adaptacion cuando no hay suficiente hueso, es necesario primero algun tipo de cirugia reconstructora o la fijacion de implantes para que la protesis tenga mejor retención.